Edition #3:
Greetings NAD Delegates and Alternate Delegates!
1) Please be advised that several delegates and alternate delegates still need to complete their NAD membership dues, either as a new member or renewal. This is a requirement for all delegates in order to participate in the COR proceedings. All delegates must be members no later than June 15th, 2018. You can complete your membership directly on-line at:
2) A friendly reminder, there are still some delegates/alternate delegates that are not yet registered for the conference itself which is a requirement in order to represent your State Association or Affiliate. Conference registration is separate from Delegate registration so if you have not yet paid your NAD membership fee and/or conference fee, please click on this link here ASAP:

Conference Registration form:
*Early Bird Delegate Conference registration discount prices will end on Thursday, May 31st. Please use Promo Discount Code: DELEGATE20
in order to receive your price reduction. Unfortunately there are no extensions after this date (5/31) for the Early Bird.

3) All delegates and alternate delegates are strongly encouraged to view several videos for your learning convenience in preparation for the upcoming COR. The 2016-2018 Priorities Report is especially important to view. Please check out the following links at:
If you prefer reading the text version of the 2016-2018 Priorities Report, here is the link: http://2018conn.nad.org/delegates/2016-2018-conference/
4) The General Forum (GF) is an essential part of the NAD conference this year. Please watch the attached link below to gain a better understanding of how the GF will work this year. As a delegate, one of your responsibilities is to encourage NAD conference attendees from your state to participate and vote in the General Forum.

Go NAD!!!
