We have a very exciting conference planned! Registered attendees who volunteer for more than 25 hours will receive registration reimbursement (up to [email protected] package) after the conference and a one year NAD membership; volunteers who serve 15 hours or more, but less than 25 hours will receive half off their package registration and a one year NAD membership; volunteers who serve less than 15 hours will receive a one year NAD membership. Note: if you are already a NAD member, your membership will be extended an additional year.

Please review the list of volunteer assignments below before filling out the volunteer form. Each assignment includes physical activity and assigned hours/days (schedule/time is subject to change) to help you decide which assignment you would like to participate. Sign up as soon as possible so you can get the shifts you want; volunteer slots are first-come, first-serve. If you are deaf/hard of hearing and between the ages of 12-17, you can apply to be a Jr. NAD Page.


  • 25 or more hours: [email protected] Package Registration 100% refunded and a one-year NAD membership
  • 15 – 24 hours: [email protected] Package Registration 50% refunded and a one-year NAD membership
  • 15 or less hours: a one-year NAD membership

Volunteers are not required to purchase a package and can register for individual events — all volunteers must register for the conference in some way.  


Position Description
Doorkeepers Volunteers are responsible for checking admission at the door of any event, workshop, and other activities. Volunteers have to check for attendee’s registration badge or event sticker on the back of the registration badge before allowing each attendee to enter. During lengthy and or busy periods, there will be regular intervals of giving volunteers a break. Doorkeeper #1 needs to be flexible; willing to do any assignment in any number of hours, and are required to be on site on assigned days and or evenings. Doorkeeper #2 are for specific assignments. Note: select on your application if you are flexible (#1) or if you want a specific assignment (#2).

  • Physical Activity: Requires standing for long periods. At some locations, allow sitting during quiet periods.
  • Hours: At all different hours, depending on which specific volunteer assignment. 
Crowd Control (CC) Responsible for managing crowd control — make sure people are not blocking aisles, keep lines moving and orderly. Volunteers will direct people to the right lines. CC #1 volunteers are flexible, willing to do any assignment in any number of hours, and are required to be on site on assigned days and or evenings. CC #2 is for a specific assignments. Note: select on your application if you are flexible (#1) or if you want a specific assignment (#2).

  • Physical Activity: standing and walking around crowds.
  • Hours: At all different hours, depending on which volunteer assignment. 
Emergency Floaters (EF) Each volunteer area is required to have two EFs per day as a back-up in case a volunteer becomes sick, has a family emergency, or can no longer volunteer. EF #1 needs to be flexible, willing to do any assignment in any number of hours, and are required to be on site on assigned days and or evenings. EF #2 is for a specific assignment.  Note: select on your application if you are flexible (#1) or if you want a specific assignment (#2).

  • Physical Activity: varies, depending on which volunteer assignment you choose.
  • Hours: varies, depending on the volunteer assignment schedule.
Bag Stuffers Set up assembly lines to gather various conference materials and place into each conference bag. Bag Stuffers will do a variety of things: filling in bags (low activity); filling the boxes with bags (moderate activity) and carrying boxes (heavy activity).

  • Physical Activity: Mixed – low, or moderate or heavy.
  • Hours: Monday, 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM or until the task is completed.  
Council of Representatives (COR) Support Primary responsibility is to manage the check-in and check-out of delegates. Detail orientated and tasks involves check the roster when checking in, hand out materials, retrieves materials from delegates when they check out, report number of checked-in delegates at regular intervals and maintain orderly filing system. Give out voting devices and ensure that voting devices are charged. COR begins on Monday, July 2, prior to the first day of conference (Tuesday). This task includes COR Doorkeepers, COR Crowd Control, and COR EF #2.

  • Physical Activity: COR Support requires sitting for long periods.
  • Hours: Monday afternoon, Tuesday to Thursday, 6:45 AM to 4:00 PM.
Registration Support (RS) Volunteers will verify and hand out badges and conference bags to registered attendees; will assist with on-site registration, membership, and answer any conference related question. As needed, including RS Crowd Control and RS EF #2. There will be two volunteer slots in this area: morning to afternoon and afternoon to evening.

  • Physical Activity: Mix of standing and sitting.
  • Hours: Monday to Saturday, 7:30 AM to 7:30 PM.
Help Desk Support (HDS) Located at the Registration Booth. Assist with directions and connecting people with other people/departments. Provides ALD (Assistive Listening Devices), and requires check in and check outs as well as ensuring all devices are charged.  Responsible for verifying an accommodation request from a registered attendee, and connect to an interpreter, CDI, SSP and other requested accommodations. Includes HDS EF #2. There will be two volunteer slots in this area: morning to afternoon and afternoon to evening.

  • Physical Activity: Mix of standing, sitting and walking.
  • Hours: Monday afternoon, Tuesday to Saturday, 7:30 AM to 7:30 PM
Hospitality Guide attendees with visitor information, provide directions, coordinate local tours [Deaf History Tours], connect people with departments.  Greet attendees and welcome them to the City of Hartford and NAD Conference. Includes EF #2. There will be two volunteer slots in this area: morning to afternoon and afternoon to evening.

  • Physical Activity: Requires sitting for long periods.
  • Hours: Monday afternoon, Tuesday to Saturday, 7:30 AM to 7:30 PM.
Workshops There are 11 workshops per day; five General workshops; four workshops in the Education track, handled by the National Deaf Education Conference (NDEC); two workshops in the Interpreting track, handled by the Registry of Interpreters (RID) Region I. Volunteers are responsible for checking/cleaning rooms before and after each workshop, check with presenters if introductions are needed, check for technical support, make sure chairs are in place, monitor CEUs as needed. This includes Doorkeepers, Crowd Control, and EF #2.  Note: when filling out the volunteer form, please indicate if you want to volunteer specifically for the Education and Interpreting tracks if not for General Workshops.

  • Physical Activity: Mixed – standing, walking, and sitting during quiet times.
  • Hours: Varies, mostly from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
[email protected] Events (NE) There will be an event each evening. Volunteers will guide and assist people to their seats, ensure accommodations are met, answer questions, monitor seats that are reserved, and clean up after the audience leaves. Includes NE Doorkeepers, NE Crowd Control, and EF #2.

  • Physical Activity: mixed – standing, walking and sitting
  • Hours: Tuesday to Saturday evenings, 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, other details TBA.
Exhibit Hall Support (EHS) On Move-In Day: help exhibitors move boxes; check in and check out exhibitors; and monitor doors by allowing people with Exhibitor Badges in the hall before the hall formally opens for attendees on Thursday. From Thursday to Saturday: guide attendees to locate booths they are looking for and answer questions. Runs to Exhibitor Coordinator for unanswered questions. Encourage attendees to leave the hall prior to closing and assist Exhibitors to leave the closed hall at determined time. On Breakdown Day: starting at 3:00 PM, help exhibitors with their boxes, and to make sure the Exhibit Hall is completely cleared.  Including EHS Doorkeepers, EHS Crowd Control, EF #2.

  • Physical Activity: standing, sitting and or have the strength and endurance to carry boxes.
  • Hours: Wednesday, 8:00 to 5:00 PM; Thursday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM; Saturday, 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. 
Kids Camp A fun-filled three-day camp will be held from Wednesday to Friday. There will be many indoor and outdoor activities, with some field trips that are either within walking distance or a bus will be provided. Volunteers are required to have a background check or equivalent (for example, employed at a school); and will be supervising children between the ages of 4 to 12.

  • Physical activity: physically active, strength and endurance on hot days.
  • Hours: Wednesday–Friday; 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM.
Meal Events: Mainly Doorkeepers and Crowd Control.

  • Physical Activity: standing for a few hours.
  • Hours: Breakfast 6:30 AM to 9:00 AM; Lunch 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM; Dinner: 5 PM to 7 PM. Receptions are at different times.
Clerical Support Light and simple clerical tasks as needed.

  • Physical Activity: mostly sitting
  • Hours: as needed, at any time.

Thank you, your support is valuable!

Sign up!